Apache Conferences and Events Mailing Lists

There are several main mailing lists on which discussion and planning of Apache Software Foundation events occurs:

ApacheCon Announce announce@apachecon.com
Subscription address: announce-subscribe@apachecon.com
Archives: Web archives
Use: Read-only: Announcements of, and details about, Apache events
ApacheCon Discuss apachecon-discuss@apache.org
Subscription address: apachecon-discuss-subscribe@apache.org
Archives: Web archives
Use: Public discussion of Apache events
Community Development dev@community.apache.org
Subscription address: dev-subscribe@community.apache.org
Archives: Web archives
Use: Since events are produced and organized by the Apache community development PMC, most event discussion starts on the ComDev mailing list
Planners (Planning committee members only) planners@apachecon.com
Subscription address: planners-subscribe@apachecon.com
Subscription note: All subscriptions are moderated. Since budget and other confidential matters are discussed here, this list is not available to the public. Contact V.P. Conferences if you have questions.
Archives: (Private) Web archives
Use: Policy, budgets, discussions with external parties which cannot be done in public. Used for detailed planning of events.